2010年10月2日 星期六

Artifact 5 (Google Earth)!

 Click to download: Google Earth Tour of Britain

1. London, the capital of England, was the center of business.
2. Manchester was where Southey saw the children working in factories.
3. Huddersfield is where, in April 1812, the Luddites attacked William Cartwright's mill.
4. Yorkshire was where many if the luddites were located.
5. Spen Valley was another place where you could find the luddites.


a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
     A: This relates to the areas with cotton factories in the early 19th century.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
      A: It also relates to places that grew in population.

2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it? 
      A: This artifact was the teacher's choice, and i spend about 2 hours on it.  

3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?

      A: I learned how to use Google Earth. 
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
      A: Yes, because I only use Google Earth one time before.
 5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
    a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
    c) Impact on your learning
    d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 2
    b) 0
    c) 0
          d) 2

6. Any additional comments.
A: No

