2010年10月9日 星期六

Artifact 1: (Britain, the builing of an empire !)

*~Child Labor in Cotton Factories~*

• Who created it?
Robert Southey

• Who is the author?
Robert Southey

• When was it created?
It was created in 1807.

• When was it published?
It was also published in 1807.

• Where was it published?
It was published in England.

• Who is publishing it?
It was published by Robert Southey himself.

• Is there anything we know about the author that is pertinent to our evaluation?
There is nothing about Robert Southey except for his opinions in the letter.

• Why does this document exist?
Robert Southey is concerned about the employment of children in factories and the long hours they work.

• Why did the author create this piece of work? What is the intent?
His intent is to show what it is like for a child to work in a factory, and how they do not have a good childhood or education.

• Why did the author choose this particular format?
 It helps the reader to feel like they are at the factory seeing the things for themselves.

• Who is the intended audience? Who was the author thinking would receive this?
 It could be anyone, but more likely it is for the people live in England, to show them what is happening in their country.

• What does the document “say”?
 He is showing how bad it is working in factories for these children, and he is saying that it should not be like this.

• Can it tell you more than is on the surface?
 Yes, it gives a good look at the author’s negative opinion of these factories.

• What can we tell about the author from the piece?
 He is probably a kind and concerned person that cares a lot about children.

• What can we tell about the time period from the piece?
 During this time a lot of people are poor.  The children are a problem for the parents and the parish.

• Under what circumstances was the piece created and how does the piece reflect those circumstances?
 It was created at a time when children worked in factories, and there were people who were not happy about this.  It gives a negative opinion.

• What can we tell about any controversies from the piece?
 There is a controversy between the people who care about kids and those people who want to use the kids to make money.

• Does the author represent a particular ‘side’ of a controversy or event?
 The author cares about the kids.

• What can we tell about the author’s perspectives from the piece?
 The author had a first-hand perspective.

• What was going on in history at the time the piece was created and how does this piece accurately reflect it?
 We know parents in England can’t afford to take care of their children.  In this article it tells how the parish and parents send children to work in the factories.

• What part of the story can we NOT tell from this document?
We can’t tell if the opinion of the factory owner or the author is more popular, and we can’t be sure if the factory owner is telling the truth.

• How could we verify the content of the piece?
Research other articles from the time period.

• Does this piece inaccurately reflect anything about the time period?
I can’t tell without doing research.

• What does the author leave out and why does he/she leave it out (if you know)?
The author leaves out how much they are paid, where they sleep and if they seemed healthy or not.  I don’t know why he left it out.

• What is purposely not addressed?
He didn’t tell about the poor children that did not go to factories. 


a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
     A: Child labor and its impact on factories in the early 19th century.  It gives us a first hand look at the life of children in these factories. 

b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
      A: It relates to family life, the way churches ran their orphanages, and the way factories changed English society.

2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
      A: This artifact was the teacher's choice, and i spend about 2 hours on it.  

3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?

      A: I learned that life for a child at this time was extremely difficult, and I wouldn't want to be a factory worker at this time.

4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
      A:Yes, I put a lot of effort into it, and wish my English ability was high enough to describe all of my ideas.

5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
    a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
    c) Impact on your learning
    d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 3
    b) 0
    c) 3
          d) 0

6. Any additional comments.
A: No

2010年10月8日 星期五

Artifact 2 idea page! (Luddites)



a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
     A: This main topic relate to the Luddites and the change in the way that cotton was produced.

b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
      A: It relates to the change in the way cities and towns grew and changed at the time, with factories bringing more people to an urban life.

2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
      A: This artifact was the teacher's choice, and i spend about a hour and a half on it.  

3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?

      A: I learned that many people were upset that factories were taking away jobs from the cotton workers in small towns.  They were willing to fight for their cause.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
      A:Yes, I spend a lot of time playing that game to learn about the Luddites.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
    a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
    c) Impact on your learning
    d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
          d) 0

6. Any additional comments.
A: No

2010年10月4日 星期一

Artifact 3 (Headline News!)

Violence at the Factories!!
           Starting in April, the Luddites attacked
William Cartwright’s mill.  Only a few soldiers protected
the mill against 150 attackers.  Two of the attackers
were killed, but no soldier was killed.  Later, someone
tried to kill William Cartwright.  In April, William Horsfall
was killed.

          The Luddites are angry, because they have lost their jobs. 
 The factories use women and children as workers. There are
 less job done by hand, and more done by machines.
           Spies have helped the government to stop the
 luddites.  By June outbreaks of Luddite violence has
begun to slow down.  The government is continuing to look
 in to the problem.


a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
     A: This relates to the Luddites and the factory owners.  It decribes the fight between the two at William Cartwright's mill.

b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
      A: It also relates to machines taking away peoples jobs.

2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
      A: This artifact was the teacher's choice, and i spend about 2 hours on it.  

3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?

      A: I learned that people fight against change.

4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
      A: Maybe I could have made my news articles a little longer, but I think it turned out pretty good. 

5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
    a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
    c) Impact on your learning
    d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 2
    b) 1
    c) 3
          d) 3

6. Any additional comments.
A: No

2010年10月3日 星期日

Artifact 4 (Biographical Spotlight)!

        Florence Nightingale was born in May 12, 1820, in Italy.  She came from a well-connected, wealthy, British family.  From an early age she felt a calling by God to help others, which led her to be a nurse.  She worked as a nurse during the Crimean War.  She was so kind to the wounded soldiers that she got a reputation for her loving spirit!  She was named “Lady of the Lamp” because she made her rounds at night with a lamp.  From what she learned from the war, she opened a nursing school.  She help changed the way that people look at the world of the medicine.  She died in 1910, at the age of 90.


a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
     A: This relates to the start of modern nursing.  Florence Nightingale open one of the first real nursing schools and helped promote modern medicine. 
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
      A: It also relates to the way people look at the medicine, and how it was changing at that time.

2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it? 
      A: This artifact was the teacher's choice, and i spend about 2 hours on it.  

3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?

      A: I learned that one person can make a big difference in the world.

4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
      A: Yes, I think I found enough information to show how Florence Nightingale help the world.

5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
    a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
    c) Impact on your learning
    d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 2
    b) 1
    c) 3
          d) 1

6. Any additional comments.
A: No

2010年10月2日 星期六

Artifact 5 (Google Earth)!

 Click to download: Google Earth Tour of Britain

1. London, the capital of England, was the center of business.
2. Manchester was where Southey saw the children working in factories.
3. Huddersfield is where, in April 1812, the Luddites attacked William Cartwright's mill.
4. Yorkshire was where many if the luddites were located.
5. Spen Valley was another place where you could find the luddites.


a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
     A: This relates to the areas with cotton factories in the early 19th century.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
      A: It also relates to places that grew in population.

2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it? 
      A: This artifact was the teacher's choice, and i spend about 2 hours on it.  

3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?

      A: I learned how to use Google Earth. 
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
      A: Yes, because I only use Google Earth one time before.
 5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
    a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
    c) Impact on your learning
    d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 2
    b) 0
    c) 0
          d) 2

6. Any additional comments.
A: No

2010年10月1日 星期五

Artifact 6 (Drawing!)



a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
     A: This relates to the pressure that machines put on the workers from the early 19th century.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
      A: It also relates to the working environment at that time.

2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it? 
      A: This artifact was the teacher's choice, and i spend about 30 minutes on it.  

3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?

      A: I didn't gain any insights that I didn't have already. 
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
      A: I probably could have put more time into it.

5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
    a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
    c) Impact on your learning
    d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 0
    b) 3
    c) -1
          d) 4

6. Any additional comments.
A: No